Day 01
Monday, December 9, 2024
12:00 PM
Powered by Odyssey Systems​
1:00 - 2:00 PM
SMART PLENARY SESSION: Healthcare Infrastructure Fireside Chat
2:15 - 3:15 PM
SESSION 1: Brainstorming to Fielding Technology: Overcoming the Valley of Death​
SESSION 2: Defense Offices of Small Business Programs: Resources for Current and Future Requirements and Opportunities
3:30 – 4:30PM
SESSION 3: SBIR/STTR, Tech Transfer and CRADA's: Collaborating with the Military for Future Capabilities ​​
SESSION 4: Civilian Agencies: OSDBU's Resources and Opportunities for Small Business ​
4:45 – 5:45 PM
SESSION 5: Critical Infrastructure: Supporting Resilience and Sustainability
SESSION 6: Contracting with Maryland
5:30 – 7:30 PM
Networking Reception: Party Like its 1999 (EXHIBIT HALL)
Sponsored by Miles & Stockbridge

Day 02
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
7:00 - 9:30 AM
Powered by Maryland Department of Commerce
7:00 - 8:00 AM
Sponsored by Odyssey Systems
8:00 - 9:15 AM
Keynote Session​​
9:15 - 9:35 AM
BREAK- Coffee Break with Exhibitors
Sponsorship Available
9:35 - 10:50 AM
SESSION 1: Military Medicine: Future Requirements & Priorities– Ballroom A​
SESSION 2: Mid-Atlantic Federal and Military Construction
​11:05 – 12:20 PM
SESSION 3: Operational Medicine: Addressing the Challenges of Resource Limited Environments in Military Treatment Facilities and in Theater
SESSION 4: Team APG - Protection and Capabilities for the Future Battlefield​
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Sponsorship Available
1:00 - 2:15 PM
SESSION 5: Artificial Intelligence Use in Proposal Writing from the Contract Officer's Perspective: What is AI's impact on the future of proposal evaluation?
SESSION 6: Defense Intelligence Community
2:30 - 3:45 PM
SESSION 7: Cybersecurity, Data and IT Modernization
SESSION 8: Emerging Threats: Supply Chain, Logistics and Domestic Response​
4:00 – 5:00 PM
Maryland Artisanal Networking Hour (EXHIBIT HALLS)
Sponsorship Available​
5:00 PM
Closing Remarks